First time at Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum as guide after 141 days of absence in guiding directly at the Museum, due to COVID-19 shutdown.  Within those 141 days I performed many on-line lectures and even virtual guided tours about the history and virtual space of Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka.  In the time of shutdown I was at those sites few times on my own to mark important anniversaries and pay tribute to victims. I have produced multiple movies and educational materials commenting on history but also the current site maintenance issues. As much as on-line version works thanks to the engagement of my multiple interested audiences it is hard to compare it with the physical presence at the site. Seeing and experiencing the physicality brings understanding.
Today I was mostly focusing on after war judiciary aspects of Auschwitz history. I would like to thank my two Hungarian/German visitors for teaching me something new.
On the practical side the issue remains how to fit face shield and hat at the same time?